Tracking Lunar Cycles for Abundance, Play, &Ā Rest

Learn how to connect with and harness the cyclical energy of the moon to enhance and empower your navigation of life.Ā 

The rhythm of the moon is a powerful tool that can be used to understand the ebb and flow of the cosmos so you can manifest and co-create more abundance, joy, and fun in your life.Ā 

Harness the power of the moon and amplify your life

Open up to a cosmic portal of tools and techniques to understand the wisdom of the moon and create ease in the flow of abundance.
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Welcome, I'm so glad you're here and ready to use the cosmic energy of the moon!

The moon is a powerful cosmic life force that when understood, can support you in opening up to more abundance, play, and rest in your life.

Moonifesting with the energy of the ebb and flow of the cycles of the moon has been a profound tool for me in achieving abundance, finding deep play and rest in both my personal life and business, and I can't wait to show you!

Hi, I'm Grace Harrington Murdoch. An Astrologer , teacher, author and healer coming all the way from Salem, Massachusetts. I teach people how to embrace their shadow & amplify their light through all bodies of my work.

I'veĀ been teaching Polarity therapy, Narrative Astrology, Reiki and more for many years, sharing all that I'veĀ  learned with my community. It's not uncommon for people to come out of the spiritual closet after being around me & learning from me.

My students have gone on to create healing and astrology practices and so much more. It is my philosophy that through understanding our natal chart and our soul essence, we can truly learn to love and accept every part of ourselves and come home to the wholeness we were born with.

I can't wait for you to tap into the energy of the lunar phases and cultivate more abundance, play, and rest in your life.Ā 
